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Redeveloped Shopping Centre in Perth

Novaplas Group has been involved in many different projects requiring Stormwater Infiltration Tanks, from domestic soakwells to large commercial projects needing to control vast quantities of stormwater.

The project value was $85 million. The Shopping Mall has a site footprint of 44,000m² as well as a multi-level car park and 10 residential apartments. As a result of the redevelopment, the total floor space is 65% larger with more than 37,000m². Larger roof and hardstand areas always add drainage issues to site developments.

Novaplas Group was honoured to be able to provide a solution in manufacturing and supplying Drainwell DW1592 Drainage Cells for this significant project. The Novaplas team worked within a tight timeline and focused on delivering the goods enabling the Hydraulic Plumbing Sub-Contractor to complete their scope of works without delay.

More than 40,000 Drainwell cells were needed to manage over 5,730,000 litres of stormwater. The Drainwell Infiltration Tanks were installed below a 1,600 space, triple storey car parking structure. Thousands of vehicles visit the shopping centre every day.

Furthermore, one of the Drainwell Infiltration Tanks was installed directly below a truck loading dock. Many laden trucks park above this tank every hour to have their cargo unloaded.

In total, 19 Drainwell Infiltration Tanks were installed. Some of the tanks were up to 78m long and 6 cells high (2.54m).

The Drainwell system is manufactured by Novaplas Group, in Australia, utilising 100% recycled materials.

Drainwell stormwater modules are suitable for the following applications:

  •  Rainwater Harvesting Tanks
  •  Stormwater Detention Tanks
  •  Stormwater Infiltration/Absorption Tanks
  •  Bioretention
  •  Rain Gardens

Drainwell underground stormwater tanks are trafficable and can be installed below car parking areas and driveways.

Some Key Benefits of Drainwell™ Underground Tanks:

  •  Drainwell Cells are trafficable and can be installed below car parking areas.
  •  Drainwell Drainage cells provide an extremely efficient, low-cost drainage system
  •  Can be easily adapted to projects of any shape or size
  •  Underground installation allows the surface above the tank to be utilised for car parking or landscaping
  •  Eliminates open stormwater sumps, making the surface area usable Leach drains can be easily constructed to any size for efficient discharge of water to the surrounding soil
  •  Lightweight construction allows easy transportation and installation compared to concrete and gravel systems
  •  Greater cubic holding capacity
  •  Permeable surface area allows quicker percolation and soakage and infiltration
  •  95% void area, chemically inert material and 100% recycled material
  •  Not affected by mould or algae
  •  Supplied in flat pack form
  •  Residential Soakwells Easy to install
  •  Cost effective stormwater detention tanks